Monday, 3 September 2012

friend,i'm not on your guestlist

my friend,
i am the first person you call when you meet him
the go-to when you need reassurance for the first date
when you get a callback to the interview you so wanted
when you need a silly laugh
someone to say something positive
someone to pray with
you know i got ya back,errday

i help you with the menu
help you with your dress
what you will say at the interview
you know i'll make the time
you love me, and i love you
there is never a doubt about that

then why is it when you set the table for dinner
invite everyone dressed to the nines
i find i don't have a place at your table
i know we'll have cake and goodies afterwards
just you and i in our pjs :)
but not at the dinner table

you tell me i don't mix well with people
i mix with you, well enough
and others
did someone say that friend?
or is it in your head?

what i want to know is
how would you feel if I didn't invite you
to my dinner table
it won't happen
but if it did, would you still consider me a friend
you punish me for the very thing that draws u to me
that's sad.

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