Wednesday, 5 September 2012

I am not perfect

I am not perfect.
I have blemishes and scars on my face.
I am overweight by over 15 kg (not 22 anymore yaaay)
I smoke. A lot.
I spend money I don't have. I buy things I don't need.
I am critical and opinionated.
I am not perfect by a long stretch.

So when I speak of stuff, it is not because I believe I have life down to the T. I am on a journey of learning, one that I don't believe will ever end. I am glad when I consciously got on this journey, I learnt to not think everything is an attack on myself or unfair. Perhaps me writing the thoughts on the lessons that I have grasped makes a reader think I have my sh*t together. Not by a long shot. I am willing to learn though. 49million teachers surround me.

Feed my brain teachers, so I do not remain a fool.
Imagine me standing in an office park with a smoke in hand screaming to a guy 'DID YOU TELL PEOPLE I SMOKE???' ummm...yeah...*side eyes* What is guy to say mara? ummm...would anyone say you DON'T smoke Chino?

Logic people. PhelaI'm a programmer. A COBOL programmer nogal. You get nowhere here with no logic. There's no jump from here to there. You move proper from section to section.
May the logic guideth thee as thee guides me too. We learn errday from errbod.Introspect, throw away rubbish and leave rural tendencies in the village please. Its 2012.
I, remain imperfect.


  1. ok my friend ok neh.....You've always been such a sh*tty brave type of person. Im reading & i am loving it. this is good....

    Lopez "Bebe" :-))

  2. :):):) and wena u'd tell me like I tell it.I knw u!Nwah Bebe!
