So,over the past year I've taken off my blinkers and become more aware of the politics that govern our country. I think many previously non-political people have awaken from their ignorance slumber too. I used to say 'it doesn't make a difference to my life'...but unfortunately it does, and worse, it affects my beloved son. It is important that I become part of a movement that will govern a South Africa that Renda can have a fair opportunity to grow, learn and live to the best of his own potential in.
My peephole view of the state of our country doesn't seem to have that kind of country in sight. From the catch-up-on-politics reports I have been scouring for information...we look headed more for a Zimbabwe type of situation than the New South Africa we had anticipated. Corruption, fraud, abuse of desperately needed public funds, education situation, e-tolls...basically, it looks like EVERY single ministry in South Africa has degenerated to a point of no return. It isn't even blame-able on the past regime..I mean, we seemed to be on an an upward trend for a few years then...(something happened?)...what is it? Moeletsi Mbeki did predict that the welfare route South Africans were latching on to would bite someone in the seems we are hurtling down towards this time bomb and our elected leader says 'There is no crisis in South Africa' (use a Zuma chilled, calm voice when reading that...then you'll see why I just wanna SCREAM!)
To my understanding, the first uprisal of the people was for freedom and the banishing of the apartheid laws. We got it. Now we have an economy, crime and land agenda to tackle. We are moving forward. These are all issues that need to be addressed in detail... preferably by someone who kinda knows what they're talking about...a teacher for education kinda thing... "You are taking political leaders and politically connected people and giving themassets which, in the first instance, they don't know how to manage. So you are not adding value."-extract from South Africa: Only a matter of time before the bomb explodes-Moeletsi Mbeki.
Without knowing how much work is sitting on our Ministers' desks...I think the respective Mining and Agricultural ministers could at least have negotiated the minimum wages and the conditions that the people that probably do the hardest labor that sustains South Africa live in. Then they could go on with the rest of their workloads...I'm jus sayin' y'know...Mara our President rightfully discourages talking without facts...but I don't wanna heed his words right now. He doesn't listen to me either.
In a democratic country, no one should be considered more important than the other...but is it still so Animal Farm here in South Africa? I mean...etolls. C'mon Mr President! Tell the government (the guys that decided to include themselves in your upgrade of your home) to put those ridiculous sums to something else...maybe etolling...
Is it REALLY ka nnete, for sheezy going to be forced down the people's throats? Huhhh? In a democratic country?*claps once*
So now I have a bigger problem.
Who will I be voting for in the next elections? The opposition doesn't seem to have a mandate of how they intend to govern the country anyway or do they just hide it very well? All they do is wait for the ruling party to make mistakes then jump up with an "AHA! You see South Africa, THEY did this" Gloating with big victorious smiles on front I'm not sure if handed the reigns they'd even know what to do with them. They are good as they are, exposing these issues so we are aware what the people we voted for are doing.
I wish the President would speak to us as people. Not only speak in defense all the time. And not only say more than his speech when people are fed up like yesterday's Paliment #NkandlaUpgrade drama.
I'm so scared, uncertain of when the bomb will go off. I defend the ruling party going with their slogan and what I have always believed they would bring- A better life for all. Building better communities together. I feel cheated even writing those two lines. My community isn't better Mr President. Its worse! Worse than Wesgate!
Having been raised in the former homeland of Venda, I didn't have rationed water at home til we became part of South Africa. I played tennis at a tennis court similar to the ones I saw on TV as a child....then we became part of South Africa and the tennis court is now a big public crapping ground.
The ruling party is failingme. Where do I go? I can't imagine Australia will be very kind to me seeing...umm..y'know...whatever stories those that ran there may have said when they got there. I only realised last week that people who move to Aussie have stories for dayz to entertain their mates. Remember, remember Greg Ritchie...Kepler mara...eiishh..other people's integration tactics thou.
Anyway...I still don't know who to vote for. What do the other parties say they will do for South Africa should they be in power? I think we are now SURE the ruling party- the party some of my family died for; couldn't be bothered how anyone who isn't in their elite circle up there in the top ranks is being screwed by their obnoxiousness. I mean, really? South Africa isn't on a downward spiral? President Zuma, where exactly do you live? Its hectic out here!
Mr President...I might have to start picking 'hot water days'. I can't afford to have my geyser on everyday. And no, I don't have money for a solar geyser. With my family still in Limpopo, my sisters both you have an idea how that may perhaps be? Eskom has no choice it seems. Understandably...ishh...mara why us mara?
Where's Thabo Mbeki when the country needs a leader from that family?
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